5 step framework for pricing cakes

If you are just making cakes as a hobby or for a bit of pocket money, then by all means charge as little as you want. But if you want to make a business out of your cake making and actually earn a living, or even want to grow it into something more, then you need to charge properly for your work so that you are not only making a wage for yourself but also a PROFIT!

This 5 Step Framework is a 22 page guide that walks you through this process with working examples and templates for you to use.

5 Step Framework For Pricing Cakes

How to market your cake business

10 Simple Strategies To Help Cake Businesses Attract More Customers

I wish I knew more about marketing when I started my baking career. It is a subject I have continued to learn by reading and testing, and as a result of many painful lessons. Just because you have great cakes does not mean they will sell. The reality is that if no one knows about your product or service then it does not matter how good it is, your business will fail unless you do something about it.

So I have put together this 20 page guide, detailing 10 simple marketing strategies you can implement straight away to help you attract more customers.

Sell More Cakes! A 6 Week Marketing Plan for the Next Holiday Or Event

When you are busy baking and running your own business, marketing can sometimes get pushed to one side.

Use the holidays and events of the final quarter of the year to promote your business. This guide outlines a plan to market your business over a 6 week period in the lead up to a holiday or event, including suggested email and social media campaigns

Here is the opportunity to get your marketing on track and get more people to know about you and your fabulous cakes!