How To Avoid 10 Common Problems With Cupcakes!
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

How To Avoid 10 Common Problems With Cupcakes!

I have had a lot of practice at making cupcakes! I am not exaggerating when I say that I have baked thousands and thousands of cupcakes.  I have made them for all sorts of events and occasions from kids’ parties and corporate events to weddings and for catering companies.  Many of them were baked in the small kitchen of my London flat – how I managed to cater for orders in the hundreds from that kitchen I am not sure, but I managed!

So, as these popular little cakes can cause a few issues, I thought I would highlight the most common and give some guidance on how to avoid them.

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Understanding Different Types Of Sponge Cakes And Their Fillings
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Understanding Different Types Of Sponge Cakes And Their Fillings

I come across a lot of confusion over the different types of sponges and what fillings they are best paired with.  For example, I commonly see bakers looking to use a fresh cream filling with a classic sponge recipe to make a layer cake. The problems with this are that the cream is not structurally strong enough to support this sponge and so will end up getting squeezed out, and because it is fresh cream, the cake must be stored in the fridge which means the sponge will taste dry (classic sponge should be eaten at room temperature).

So, I thought it would be helpful to summarise the more common types of sponge cakes, their qualities and what fillings they are best paired with.  Some sponges work best with fresh creams and others work best with buttercreams or ganache.

Knowing these differences will not only improve the flavour and texture of your cakes but also ensure they stay fresh and safe to eat!

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How To Start A Home Baking Business In The United Kingdom
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

How To Start A Home Baking Business In The United Kingdom

Starting a home baking business in the UK is an exciting opportunity to turn your passion for baking into a profitable venture. However, it requires careful planning and adherence to food safety regulations to ensure success. Whether you're dreaming of selling delicious cakes, cookies, or artisanal bread, it's important to understand the key steps involved, from registering your business with the local council to ensuring your kitchen meets hygiene standards. The checklist and guide below provide a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know to launch your home baking business, including legal requirements, marketing strategies, and tips for building a loyal customer base.

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The Cake Trend You Do Not Want To Miss Out On!
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

The Cake Trend You Do Not Want To Miss Out On!

Over the last few years, mini loaf pan cakes have seen a notable rise in popularity and it’s easy to see why.   They are particularly popular in the USA and such is their popularity that I see lots of US bakers struggling to get hold of the mini loaf tins!

Several factors have contributed to this trend, which reflect broader shifts in consumer preferences and baking trends:

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Common Problems With Chocolate Chip Cookies And How To Avoid Them
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Common Problems With Chocolate Chip Cookies And How To Avoid Them

Is there anything more popular than a chocolate chip cookie? There really can’t be much. Making them is a simple process, does not require any fancy equipment or many ingredients and they are delicious! Their simplicity makes them a very accessible treat to bake, meaning that anyone can give them a go. I bet a lot of people’s first baking memories are making some form of cookie with their parents or grandparents, so they will often conjure up feelings of nostalgia.

All this make it even more frustrating when they don’t turn out how you would like them too! Even though they are simple, there is still a technical process going on that underpins why they bake like they do and to make sure they taste right.

I keep saying that baking is a technical process, whatever it is you are making. A baking recipe might be simple, but there is still a technical process going on that dictates the results. So, I think it is important to gain some understanding of what might influence the results of your baking, even for something as simple as a chocolate chip cookie.

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How To Avoid Common Problems With Mini Loaf Pan Cakes
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

How To Avoid Common Problems With Mini Loaf Pan Cakes

Mini Loaf Pan Cakes are incredibly popular right now and for good reasons: they are fun, very portable (provided you can get the lids on!), can be made in an endless list of flavour combinations and can be decorated in any way you want.

But they come with their own challenges. How much batter do you put in? How do you make sure you can get the cake out? Which sponges work best? How do you make sure you can fit the lids on?

I made a batch of mini loaf cakes recently using 6.5oz mini loaf tins (internal dimensions approx. 15.5 x 5.3 x 3 cm). They turned out really well. I made an almond & lemon sponge which was decorated with a lemon Italian meringue buttercream, candied lemon zest and toasted almonds. You can get the recipe here.

Having made them, I thought I would look at the issues people commonly have when making them and explain how they can be avoided.

Follow these guidelines and you can make delicious uniform mini loaf pan cakes, and fit the lids on!

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Marketing For A Cake Business: 10 Simple Strategies To Help You Attract More Customers
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Marketing For A Cake Business: 10 Simple Strategies To Help You Attract More Customers

If there is one skill, or area of knowledge, I wish I knew more about when I started my baking career it is marketing.  It is a subject I have continued to learn by reading and testing, and as a result of many painful lessons.  I am definitely guilty of one of the most common mistakes, namely thinking that because I had a great product it would sell.  The reality is that if no one knows about your product or service then it does not matter how good it is, your business will fail unless you do something about it.

Care more about the marketing of your product than you do about the product!

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How To Price A Cake
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

How To Price A Cake

This is one topic, and a very significant one, that I struggled with when I started out, I know many cake makers, particularly when they get started also really struggle with knowing how to price their cakes.  I have seen so much information online about this and most of it is utterly confusing or plain wrong. 

If you are just making cakes as a hobby or for a bit of pocket money, then by all means charge as little as you want.  But if you want to make a business out of your cake making and actually earn a living, or even want to grow it into something more, then you need to charge properly for your work so that you are making not only a wage for yourself but also a PROFIT!

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Candied and Caramelised Nuts
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Candied and Caramelised Nuts

Candied and Caramelised nuts are different stages of the same process.  The nuts are cooked in a sugar syrup which first of all turns into a white coating (candied), and as the cooking process continues the sugar mixture caramelises to coat the nuts (caramelised).  If you want candied nuts, then simply remove the nuts from the cooking process at that stage.

Both forms are often used as decoration or to add a different flavour or texture to a cake or dessert (for example, candied and / or caramelised walnuts on a carrot cake make a delicious pairing).  Their use is not just restricted to cakes and desserts – they make a lovely addition to a salad if you are wanting to add a sweet element.  They are also delicious on their own – a nicely packed jar or bag makes a simple and lovely gift! 

The process works very well for most nuts but particularly well for walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and almonds.

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The Dirty Dozen - Don’t be confused!
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

The Dirty Dozen - Don’t be confused!

In December 2023 Pesticide Action Network (PAN) released its Dirty Dozen list for 2022 (the last year government data is available).  This is a list of fruit and vegetables sold in the UK that are most likely to contain residues of 2 or more pesticides.  There are a couple of things to note about this list:

  1. PAN is reliant on data from the UK Government.

  2. The UK government only tests about 3,000kg of produce each year which is a tiny fraction of the total produce sold, and they tend to test a different list of produce each year.  This is an inconsistent approach to testing which makes it difficult to establish long term trends.

The Dirty Dozen (together with the percentage of samples with multiple residues) for 2022 are:

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Did you know about Cobnuts?
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Did you know about Cobnuts?

Cobnuts are a specific variety of cultivated hazelnuts, known for their larger size and sweet, mild flavour. They are typically grown in Europe, particularly in the United Kingdom. The name ‘cobnut’ comes from the way these nuts are harvested. When the nuts are young and still developing, they have a soft, green husk that resembles a small, round cob. As they mature, the husk hardens, revealing the nut inside.

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Have your cake and eat it!
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Have your cake and eat it!

We are all facing big environmental and health issues relating to what we eat. Clearly it is important that we give a lot of thought and consideration to where our food is coming from, how it is made, its impact on the environment and its impact on our health. With regard to health, there is so much conflicting information out there it can be difficult to determine what one should or should not be eating. So when I came across this article written by Kaki Okumura (and published on Medium in July 2021) it really struck a chord with me.

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Toasting Nuts: Turning Ordinary Ingredients into Extraordinary Flavour
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Toasting Nuts: Turning Ordinary Ingredients into Extraordinary Flavour

Nuts and seeds are fabulous ingredients. They have a wonderful array of flavours and smells, they can add texture and they can be used as décor. However so often they are used in ways that miss out on their great flavour, smell and colour. For example, how often do we see untoasted almonds sprinkled on a cake or dessert? It should not happen as they don’t look good and they do not add any real flavour.

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The Importance of Sourcing Ingredients That Are Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

The Importance of Sourcing Ingredients That Are Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly

As the world becomes increasingly aware of the impact of human activity on the environment, there has been a growing movement towards sustainability and responsible sourcing in all areas of life, including the food industry. Sourcing ingredients that are sustainable and environmentally friendly is not only important for the health of our planet, but it can also have a positive impact on the taste and quality of the food we eat, and of course this certainly applies to cakes and desserts.

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Heritage Flour: Old World Flavours for Modern Kitchens!
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Heritage Flour: Old World Flavours for Modern Kitchens!

Heritage flours, also known as heirloom or ancient grains, refer to varieties of grains (wheat, corn, rice, etc.) that have been grown and cultivated for generations, often before the advent of modern agricultural practices and mass production.

These grains are considered to be of historical or cultural significance, and they are valued for their unique flavours, textures, and often, their nutritional profiles. Here are a few notable heritage flours:

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