Candied and Caramelised Nuts
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Candied and Caramelised Nuts

Candied and Caramelised nuts are different stages of the same process.  The nuts are cooked in a sugar syrup which first of all turns into a white coating (candied), and as the cooking process continues the sugar mixture caramelises to coat the nuts (caramelised).  If you want candied nuts, then simply remove the nuts from the cooking process at that stage.

Both forms are often used as decoration or to add a different flavour or texture to a cake or dessert (for example, candied and / or caramelised walnuts on a carrot cake make a delicious pairing).  Their use is not just restricted to cakes and desserts – they make a lovely addition to a salad if you are wanting to add a sweet element.  They are also delicious on their own – a nicely packed jar or bag makes a simple and lovely gift! 

The process works very well for most nuts but particularly well for walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and almonds.

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Toasting Nuts: Turning Ordinary Ingredients into Extraordinary Flavour
Faye Palmqvist Faye Palmqvist

Toasting Nuts: Turning Ordinary Ingredients into Extraordinary Flavour

Nuts and seeds are fabulous ingredients. They have a wonderful array of flavours and smells, they can add texture and they can be used as décor. However so often they are used in ways that miss out on their great flavour, smell and colour. For example, how often do we see untoasted almonds sprinkled on a cake or dessert? It should not happen as they don’t look good and they do not add any real flavour.

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