For Cake Businesses Who Want To Attract More Customers But Don't Know Where To Start!

Victoria Sponge Cake covered in Italian Meringue Buttercreamdark chocolate rocher

FREE GUIDE: 10 Simple Strategies

'Care more about the marketing of your cakes, than you do about your cakes!'

If there is one skill, or area of knowledge, I wish I knew more about when I started my baking career it is marketing. It is a subject I have continued to learn by reading and testing, and as a result of many painful lessons. I have definitely been guilty of one of the most common mistakes, namely thinking that because I had a great product it would sell. The reality is that if no one knows about your product or service then it does not matter how good it is, your business will fail unless you do something about it.

There are some common mistakes or assumptions that I see many cake businesses making. I want you to avoid these so, before explaining the 10 strategies, I address the common mistakes I come across:

  • Not doing any marketing! Or at least not very much.
  • Thinking that because you have a great product it will sell.
  • Focussing on price rather than the value you can give your customers.
  • Not being clear about who your cakes are for. Who are your dream customers?
  • Thinking that posting pretty pictures on Instagram once a day is marketing.
  • Undervaluing the importance of your own story and background.
  • Not building an email list.

The purpose of this guide is to give you some simple ideas you can get off the ground without too much expense (and in many cases none), but I do not pretend that you can market effectively without investing time. A non-negotiable cornerstone of any business is marketing, and one has to make this a priority by building time into your schedule for it.

So, I have put together a FREE 20-page guide detailing 10 simple strategies you can implement to help you attract more customers. The 10 strategies include:

  • how to go about using your current contacts to generate leads (you know more people than you think you do);
  • how to find and approach local people of influence in your area;
  • partnering up with local businesses;
  • having a good pitch;
  • and more!

Use this guide to help you attract more customers and grow your business!


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Faye Palmqvist

About Faye

I have always been incredibly excited by food and baking. From an early age I was not only entertaining for friends but also baking and catering for events. After spending my childhood in various countries around Europe (Portugal, Sweden, Greece and Malta), I moved to London in my early 20s. After a few years working in property marketing, I decided to pursue my passion for baking and took the 6-month pâtisserie course at Le Cordon Bleu, London.

Since then:

  • I ran a novelty cake business from my flat in London;
  • I have worked as a pastry chef in London hotels, restaurants and catering companies;
  • I have worked as a pastry chef consultant to bakery and pâtisserie businesses in the UK; and
  • I was the joint founder and head pastry chef at Sweet Elements Pâtisserie.

Over the years, I have established a set of values that are important to how I go about my cake and dessert making. My baking ethos is based on the following:

Quality Ingredients

Like all cooking, baking starts with the quality of your ingredients. To me, good quality means ingredients that deliver on flavour, are natural and have been produced in an environmentally responsible way.


Making cakes is a technical process. The right methods matter. Knowing the right methods not only makes you more efficient and your cakes more consistent, but they also make a huge difference to how your cakes look, taste, their texture and shelf life.


The most important feature of any food and the same applies to cakes. They must have a balance of real flavours and taste good! If you apply the right methods to good quality ingredients, flavour will follow.

Friends & Family

Food is at its best when it is shared with others, and like many other things, so much about food is in the giving. I love how food and baking bring people together!

Have Fun And Enjoy The Ride!

Food should be fun! Life is too short to be too serious, so let’s get better at cake with a laugh and a smile!